Sunday, December 21, 2008

Natal in Indonesia....Very Nice

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  • Christmas in the air


    Lighting the Advent candles on the corona. One candle symbolizes one week.

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  • sp20-f.jpg Creativity is the key in creating beautiful Christmas ornaments. This creche is made from wooden spoons.

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  • In preparing for a joyful Christmas on December 25, Catholics are not just involved with the outward signs of Christmas, such as buying tree ornaments or making decorative caves or stables. They're also involved with something even more important: Their spiritual preparation during Advent.

    Advent is the period before Christmas which usually begins on the first Sunday after November 30. Its length can vary but there has to be four Sundays. The word "Advent" originates from the Latin word which means "arrival".

    During this time, Catholics prepare celebrations to welcome the coming of Jesus and His arrival to judge humanity. Thus, Catholic believers are ordered to confess their sins to God before a priest in a private room. After making the confession, the priest will invite the sinner to pray to God with thanksgiving for forgiveness and with promises not to repeat the wrongdoing.

    The color purple dominates Catholic churches during Advent, symbolizing repentance and regret. The corona, or Advent wreath holds four candles and one is lit every Sunday, but on the third Sunday, pink candles are lit. These candles are called gaudete which means "joy" in Latin. On one hand they are deep in regret and repentance, but on the other they are enjoying the festivities because Christmas is coming.

    -- Text and photos by Ricky Yudhistira

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